pursuant to articles 12 and 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”)

This page describes how to manage the site in relation to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. It is an information that is also released pursuant to art. 12 and 13 of the European regulation 679/2016 and of the law decree n. 196/2003 – regarding the protection of personal data for those who interact with the web services of this site, accessible electronically from the address: https://www.enerflow.it

The information is provided only for the official Enerflow sas website and not for other websites consulted by the user through links on this site.

The information is also based on the Recommendation n. 2/2001 that the European authorities for the protection of personal data, gathered in the Group established by art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46 / EC, adopted on May 17, 2001 to identify the minimum requirements for the collection of personal data on-line, and in particular, the methods, timing and nature of the information that the data controllers must provide to users when they link to web pages, regardless of the purpose of the link.

Privacy Policy

Information document Article 13 EU Reg. 2016/679 – GDPR – Information on the processing of personal data collected from the data subject
In compliance with the provisions of EU Reg. 2016/679 (European Data Protection Regulation) we provide the due information regarding the processing of personal data provided. The information must not be considered valid for other websites that may be consulted through links on the domain owner’s internet sites, which are not to be considered in any way responsible for third party websites.
This is an information that is provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Reg. 2016/679 (European Regulation for the protection of personal data) and is also inspired by the provisions of Directive 2002/58 / EC, as updated by Directive 2009/136 / EC, regarding Cookies and envisaged by the Provision of the Authority for the protection of personal data of 08.05.2014 on cookies.
Personal data that can be processed: «personal data»: any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person («concerned»); an identifiable natural person can be identified, either directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online ID or one or more characteristic elements of his physical identity, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social; (C26, C27, C30).
information Specific information may be presented on the pages of the Website in relation to particular services or processing of the data provided.

Pursuant to art. 4 and 24 of EU Reg. 2016/679, is the company Enerflow sas of Stefano Fronda & C. based in via Trieste 16, 20060 Vignate – MI (Italy), Tel. +39 02 9566899, info@enerflow.it .

The personal data provided will be processed, in compliance with the conditions of lawfulness pursuant to art. 6 lett. f) (legitimate interest) EU Reg. 2016/679, for the following purposes:
– navigation on this website;
– any request for contact, with the sending of information requested by you;
– possible subscription to newsletters;
– eventual compilation of data collection form in dedicated areas;
– administrative-accounting activities in general. For the purposes of the application of the provisions regarding the protection of personal data, the processing performed for administrative-accounting purposes are those related to the performance of organizational, administrative, financial and accounting activities, regardless of the nature of the data processed. In particular, these objectives pursue internal organizational activities, those functional for the fulfillment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations, and information activities.
Data processing is based on Article 6 (1) (f): (recital 47), taking into account the reasonable expectations of the data subject at the time and in the collection of personal data, when the data subject can reasonably be expected that treatment is carried out for this purpose.

The personal data provided will be communicated to recipients, who will process the data as managers (Article 28 of EU Reg. 2016/679) and / or as natural persons acting under the authority of the Data Controller (Article 29 of EU Reg. 2016/679), for the purposes listed above under point 2. Specifically, the data may be communicated to:
• freelancers, firms or companies in the context of assistance and advice;
• subjects that provide services for the management of the information system used by Enerflow.it and telecommunications networks, including e-mail, newsletters and management of websites
• third parties who collaborate with the Data Controller for direct marketing activities;
• competent authorities for compliance with legal obligations and / or provisions of public bodies, upon request. The subjects belonging to the aforesaid categories perform the function of Data Processing Manager, or operate in complete autonomy as separate Data Controllers.

Personal data provided may be transferred to countries belonging to the European Union and to countries outside the EU, in particular in Switzerland, in order to comply with connected above. The data will be transferred according to Article 44 – General principle for the transfer; Article 45 – Transfer on the basis of an adequacy decision; Article 46 – Transfer subject to adequate guarantees, specifically the data will be transferred to third countries international organizations for which the Commission has intervened with an adequacy assessment (Article 45 EU Reg. 2016/679).

The treatment will be carried out in an automated and manual way, with modalities and tools aimed at guaranteeing the maximum security and confidentiality, by subjects specifically appointed to do so.
In compliance with the provisions of art. 5 paragraph 1 letter e) of Reg. UE 2016/679 the personal data collected will be stored in a form that allows identification of data subjects for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which the personal data are processed. The storage of personal data provided depends on the purpose of the processing:
– navigation on this website (see the cookies policy on the site);
– for contact request (maximum 1 year);
– receiving newsletters or promotional communications in general via e-mail (maximum 24 months);
timing determined on the basis of criteria that the interested party can have information by writing to info@Enerflow.it or at the registered office of the owner indicated above.

PARTY You may assert your rights as expressed in the EU Regulation 2016/679, by contacting the Data Controller, sending an Email to info@Enerflow.it or writing to the office of the Owner indicated above.
You have the right, at any time, to ask the Data Controller to access your personal data (Article 15), the correction (Article 16) or the cancellation (Article 17) of the same, or the limitation of processing (art. 18) or to oppose their treatment based on legitimate interest (Article 21).
Withdrawal of consent. The processing has no legal basis in the consent but in the legitimate interest. If the treatment is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw the consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation;
To oppose the treatment and to exercise the other rights you can write to info@Enerflow.it.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
The communication of personal data is not an obligation. You are free to provide personal data in the dedicated areas on the site. Failure to provide personal data will make it impossible to use the services offered by the data controller. There is no automated decision-making process.


Use of cookies

The “Site” (Enerflow.it) uses cookies to make our services simple and efficient for users who view the pages of Enerflow.it. Users who view the site, will enter the minimum amount of information in the devices in use, which are computers and mobile devices, in small text files called “cookies” saved in the directories used by the user’s web browser. There are various types of cookies, some to make more effective use of the Site, others to enable certain features.

Analyzing them in detail, our cookies allow:

  • memorize the inserted preferences;
  • avoid re-entering the same information several times during the visit such as user name and password;
  • analyze the use of the services and content provided by Enerflow.it to optimize the browsing experience and the services offered.

Types of cookies

cookies This type of cookie allows the correct operation of certain sections of the Website. They are of two categories: persistent and session:

  • persistent: once the browser is closed they are not destroyed but remain up to a preset expiration date
  • session: they are destroyed every time the browser is closed

These cookies, always sent from our domain, are necessary to view the site correctly and in relation to the technical services offered, will therefore always be used and sent, unless the user does not change the settings in your browser (thus disrupting the display of pages of the site).

cookies The cookies in this category are used to collect information on the use of the site. Enerflow.it will use this information in respect of anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the Site and to make the content more interesting and relevant to the wishes of users. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on the activity of users and how it arrived on the Site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Cookies for the analysis of third-party services
These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the Site by users anonymously such as: pages visited, time spent, origins of the traffic of origin, geographic origin, age, gender and interests for the purpose of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the Site.

Cookies to integrate products and functions of third-party software
This type of cookie integrates features developed by third parties within the pages of the site such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share site content or for use third-party software services (such as software to generate maps and additional software that offer additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and from partner sites that offer their functionality between the pages of the Site.

cookies These cookies are necessary to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Site. Enerflow.it, according to current legislation, is not required to seek consent for technical and analytics cookies, as they are necessary to provide the requested services. For all other types of cookies, consent may be expressed by the User with one or more of the following methods:

  • Through specific configurations of the browser used or the related computer programs used to navigate the pages that make up the site.
  • By changing settings in the use of third-party services
    Both of these solutions may prevent you from using or viewing parts of the Site.

Web sites and third-party services
The Site may contain links to other Web sites that have their own privacy policy which may be different from that adopted by Enerflow.it and therefore not responsible for these sites.

List of cookies on Enerflow.it
The cookie _gat is part of the analysis and monitoring service of Google Analytics. This is a cookie that expires after 10 minutes after creation or update. It is used to block the number of requests for analysis scripts so that the user’s visits are considered unique.
The _ga cookie is part of the Google Analytics analysis and monitoring service. It is a cookie that expires after 2 years after creation or update. It is used to distinguish users.